Difference between revisions of "Running a Social Economy Organization"

From SE4Ces Wiki
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|[https://www.the-sse.org/resources/idea/developing-an-idea/ Developing a social enterprise idea]
|[https://www.the-sse.org/resources/idea/developing-an-idea/ Developing a social enterprise idea]
|Web site
|Business Plan
|Business Plan
|In this web site you’ll find all the steps to start and improve a social enterprise.
|In this web site you’ll find all the steps to start and improve a social enterprise.
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|Social entrepreneurship self-assessment
|[https://betterentrepreneurship.eu/en/node/add/social-quiz Social entrepreneurship self-assessment]
|Online platform/tool
|Online platform/tool
|Social entrepreneurship
|Social entrepreneurship
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|OECD (2021), Social impact measurement for the Social and Solidarity Economy
|[https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/industry-and-services/social-impact-measurement-for-the-social-and-solidarity-economy_d20a57ac-en OECD (2021), Social impact measurement for the Social and Solidarity Economy]
|Value impact assessment
|Value impact assessment
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|Social and Solidarity Economy
|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HjOT130E-w Social and Solidarity Economy]
|Social and Solidarity Economy
|Social and Solidarity Economy
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|The Rise of Social Enterprises and the Social Entrepreneurs
|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re0h-vHyyiw&ab_channel=TalentandSkillsHuB The Rise of Social Enterprises and the Social Entrepreneurs]
|Social Entrepreneurship
|Social Entrepreneurship
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|Solidarity Economy in Barcelona
|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjTccAF7qZw Solidarity Economy in Barcelona]
|Solidarity Economy
|Solidarity Economy
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|Ajuntament de Barcelona, (2017), ''The Impetus Plan for Social and Solidarity Economy'', 2016-2019
|[https://base.socioeco.org/docs/impetusplan-sse-eng_web.pdf Ajuntament de Barcelona, (2017), ''The Impetus Plan for Social and Solidarity Economy'', 2016-2019]
|Public policy in Barcelona
|Public policy in Barcelona
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|Poirier, Y. (2016). ''Legal and political recognition of social solidarity economy (SEE). An overview on SSE public policies and guidelines'', RIPESS, pp. 1-12
|[http://base.socioeco.org/docs/legal-and-political-recognition-sse-poirier-january-2016-en.pdf Poirier, Y. (2016). ''Legal and political recognition of social solidarity economy (SEE). An overview on SSE public policies and guidelines'', RIPESS, pp. 1-12]
|public policy
|public policy
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|U.N.R.I.S.D., (2016). «Promoting Social Solidarity Economy through Public Policy» in ''UNRISD Flagship Report 2016''
|[https://cdn.unrisd.org/assets/legacy-files/301-info-files/7E583F050CE1D2A4C125804F0033363E/Flagship2016_Ch4.pdf U.N.R.I.S.D., (2016). «Promoting Social Solidarity Economy through Public Policy» in ''UNRISD Flagship Report 2016'']
|public policy
|public policy
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|Dinerstein, A. C. (2017). Co-construction or prefiguration? The problem of the ‘translation’ of social and solidarity economy practices into policy (σελ. 57-71). In: North, P. Scott Cato, M. (Εds.). ''Towards Just and Sustainable Economies.'' . Bristol, U. K.: Policy Press, University of Bristol
|[https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/148786/1/86253593X.pdf Dinerstein, A. C. (2017). Co-construction or prefiguration? The problem of the ‘translation’ of social and solidarity economy practices into policy (σελ. 57-71). In: North, P. Scott Cato, M. (Εds.). ''Towards Just and Sustainable Economies.'' . Bristol, U. K.: Policy Press, University of Bristol]
|public policy
|public policy

Revision as of 19:48, 6 May 2023



The decision to start a social economy organization (or a social enterprise) is often motivated by the need to change the world and to answer to current urgent societal challenges. Volunteering or other kinds of experiences in SE organizations enhance the wish for running these types of organizations. Social economy professionals have solid ideals and aspire to contribute to the welfare of a community and tackle sustainability issues. However, they soon learn how many competencies are required to do so! We noticed that starting and successfully running a SE organization requires interdisciplinarity in competencies and cross-contamination between different fields. In particular, we identified the following key areas:

  • Governance, Strategy and Human Resources Management
  • Law and Public-Private-Partnerships
  • Marketing and Fundraising
  • Traditional Accounting, Social accounting and Value Impact Assessment
  • Finance and Impact investing
  • Social entrepreneurship and Business Planning.

Furthermore, we noticed that SE can be employed in different fields, such as CSR, green, social services, health, migration and so on.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dictum, dolor a interdum pulvinar, ligula orci auctor purus, non porta ex libero vitae eros. Sed id ex in lacus accumsan eleifend at vel turpis. Curabitur in pulvinar est. Donec mollis nibh sit amet finibus ornare. Donec lacinia diam mi, nec facilisis libero congue sed. Nam tellus arcu, aliquam vitae erat et, consectetur euismod leo. Donec eu malesuada mauris. Pellentesque in maximus lectus, nec ornare neque. Integer in fermentum est. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam maximus congue libero, sit amet porttitor lacus dapibus vitae.

Ut posuere lobortis magna id suscipit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ullamcorper nibh non massa fermentum, non sodales dui tempor. Donec condimentum enim ac nisl dictum feugiat. Pellentesque arcu neque, vehicula vel sagittis vel, commodo eu ligula. Donec eu tortor velit. Nulla sed est et nulla venenatis pharetra at interdum nisl. Cras ac ex elit. Donec vel mattis nulla. Duis vulputate cursus consectetur. Cras ultricies quam in interdum tincidunt. Vivamus tristique tortor eget sem dignissim rutrum. Morbi diam orci, facilisis efficitur semper a, finibus nec lectus. Phasellus dapibus at est vehicula consectetur. Etiam varius enim a elit rutrum, non porttitor elit pellentesque.

Vestibulum luctus volutpat hendrerit. Morbi feugiat blandit posuere. Cras eleifend, odio non euismod viverra, risus arcu volutpat velit, quis hendrerit magna arcu eget felis. Integer quis nibh scelerisque, suscipit tellus et, vestibulum ligula. Sed tincidunt pellentesque risus, eget interdum augue semper a. Nunc laoreet pretium ullamcorper. Sed a est ac ligula elementum congue. Quisque ut magna elit. Sed posuere dolor mauris, ac mollis nibh fermentum sit amet.

Index of Resources NEW

Title of resource (clickable) Type Description Language
Social entrepreneurship in the context of disaster recovery: Organizing for public value creation Paper Social entrepreneurship plays an important role in the recovery of areas struck by natural disasters. It develops opportunities and organizes to create public value over time. We identify extreme and calculated effectuation as key principles in organizing public services. ENG
Title 2 + Link] Type-->Paper/ Lorem Ipsum ligula orci auctor purus, non porta ex libero vitae eros. Sed id ex in lacus accumsan eleifend at vel turpis. Curabitur in pulvinar est. Donec mollis nibh sit amet finibus ornare. Donec lacinia diam mi. ENG

Indexed Resources OLD

Title of resource Type Topic Description Link Language
Social entrepreneurship in the context of disaster recovery: Organizing for public value creation Paper Governance Social entrepreneurship plays an important role in the recovery of areas struck by natural disasters. It develops opportunities and organizes to create public value over time. We identify extreme and calculated effectuation as key principles in organizing public services. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14719037.2020.1775282 ENG
Fund managers acting as impact investors: Strategies, practices, and tensions Paper Impact investing and governance Using a multi-case-study analysis, we shed light on the strategies, practices, and tensions of fund managers acting as impact investors.

The governance component emerges as the most relevant issue and this may help explain why impact washing is a key topic in the impact investing discussion.

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/csr.2255 ENG
Principles and Practice of Impact Investing: A Catalytic Revolution - Vecchi, Balbo et alt. Book Impact Investing This book is the first to look at impact investing as a "refocus" of venture capital to sustain the development of societal impact enterprises. The book is an inspirational and practical guide for actors and stakeholders to enable better understanding of impact investing. ENG
Innovation in the Partnership between Businesses and NGOs or Social Enterprises - Anzivino, Bandini, Baldassarre Paper Social entrepreneurship The strategic dimension of CSR has to be seen in a long term period. By taking into account the presence of the environment as one of its stakeholders, the business is thereby able to better match its desires and goals with the social context and likewise analyzes the results obtained.

This research focuses on how this proactive logic extends in business relations towards nonprofit organizations and social enterprises.

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/csr.2255 ENG
Work integration social enterprises (WISEs): a legal and innovative form to promote the right to work of people with disabilities - Santuari Paper Law This article analyses work integration social enterprises (WISEs) as private organisations that promote and pursue general interest, namely, the right of people with disabilities to work and to be integrated into the labour market. Both EU law and the Italian 2017 Social Enterprises Reform Act enhance the activities and the role of WISEs. Their legal characters and innovation will be discussed. https://illej.unibo.it/article/view/11778 ENG
Social enterprises in the European Union and the Italian 2017 Social Enterprises Reform Act: A legal framework for other jurisdictions? - Santuari Paper Law As to the European Union, Directives and Social Funds Programmes have provided an enabling legal framework that has helped social enterprises to grow, especially as providers of welfare services. Many Member States of the EU have passed statutes providing for the legal features and the role of social enterprises, especially in the delivery of welfare services. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/informit.446744137513055 ENG
Social Enterprises and Public Value: A Multiple-Case Study Assessment - Bandini, Gigli, Mariani Paper Governance


By considering the micro-foundation of value generation as emerging from the assessment of three Italian social cooperatives’ business models, the aim of this paper is to understand the contribution and the approach adopted by

work integration social enterprises to the creation of public value.

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11266-020-00285-8 ENG
Markets, Money and Capital. Hicksian Economics for the Twenty-First Century Scazzieri, Sen, Zamagni Book Economics This volume examines John Hicks's intellectual heritage and discusses how his analytical contributions suggest a distinct approach to economic theory and policy making. ENG
The Economics of Human Relationships, in: Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity - Sacco, Vanin, Zamagni Book Economics The Handbook on the Economics of Giving, Reciprocity and Altruism provides a comprehensive set of reviews of literature on the economics of nonmarket voluntary transfers. https://www.elsevier.com/books/handbook-of-the-economics-of-giving-altruism-and-reciprocity/kolm/978-0-444-50697-9 ENG
Social Economy Talks Podcast Every area “Social Economy Talks” is a Podcast from Social Economy Europe about the most relevant upcoming issues in the social economy sphere. https://www.socialeconomy.eu.org/podcast/ ENG
Social entrepreneurship podcasts Podcasts Social entrepreneurship List of podcast for (aspiring) social entrepreneurs. https://www.socialchangecentral.com/22-podcasts-every-social-entrepreneur-should-be-listening-to-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ ENG
Stuck in the gig economy? Try platform co-ops instead TED Talk Governance


The "platform cooperative” is a new way to create democratic companies of empowered workers -- and develop a better, fairer alternative to the gig economy. https://www.ted.com/talks/trebor_scholz_stuck_in_the_gig_economy_try_platform_co_ops_instead ENG
Post-crash, investing in a better world TED Talk Finance and Impact Investing Instead of sending bailout money to doomed old industries, why not use stimulus funds to bootstrap some new, socially responsible companies -- and make the world a little bit better? https://www.ted.com/talks/geoff_mulgan_post_crash_investing_in_a_better_world ENG
GATES Gaming approach Every area Building skills for social entrepreneurship. Game-based training to answer the disruptive shift that will reshape the youth workforce landscape https://play4impact.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/OP1_GATES.pdf ENG
Attiviamo energie positive Laboratories, conferences and podcast Every area Attiviamo Energie Positive: corsi, incontri, laboratori e spazi di co-progettazione. https://www.attiviamoenergiepositive.it/podcast/ ITA
Social enterprises case studies (USA) Case studies Management and Strategy Free cases on nonprofit governance and other social enterprises’ cases https://som.yale.edu/centers/program-on-social-enterprise/pse-case-studies ENG
Social enterprises case studies (UK) Case studies Management and Strategy Social enterprises operate in nearly every sector from consumer goods to community energy projects, health and social care to the creative industries https://www.socialenterprise.org.uk/media-centre/case-studies/ ENG
Manual of Social Entrepreneurship Success stories Social Entrepreneurship This manual will contain the results of the comparative study in Europe on success stories of social entreprises with a significant social impact on the territories in which they operate. https://socialentrepreneur.eu/outcomes/ ENG
Athena courses on social entrepreneurship and social innovation Online courses and tools Managment and social entrepreneurship/business planning Athena e-learning platform is powered by the participation in a large number of European projects of non-formal education. One of its main goals is the fulfillment of the educational and training needs of individuals and groups. https://athena.ied.eu/local/staticpage/view.php?page=courses ENG
EMES Network publications Publications Every topic and area EMES is a research network of established university research centres and individual researchers whose goal has been so far to gradually build up an international corpus of theoretical and empirical knowledge, pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies, around our “SE” concepts: social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy and social innovation. https://emes.net/publications/ ENG
Board Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility Paper HRM and CSR This study examines the impact of board diversity on firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance. Using seven different measures of board diversity across 1,489 U.S. firms from 1999 to 2011, the study finds that board diversity is positively associated with CSR performance. https://ideas.repec.org/a/kap/jbuset/v132y2015i4p641-660.html ENG
Blue Ocean Strategy Tools and cases Strategy and innovation The market universe is composed of two types of oceans: red oceans and blue oceans. Learn what separates them and why understanding the difference can transform your organization. https://www.blueoceanstrategy.com/ ENG
Mediating Role of Prosocial Motivation in Predicting Social Entrepreneurial Intentions Paper HRM and Motivation and personality traits The aim of this research study to identify the role of empathy, moral judgement and social entrepreneurial education in predicting social entrepreneurial intention. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19420676.2020.1755993 ENG
Exploring Opportunities for social impact and social innovation through PPPs Podcast PPP Lakshmi Iyer describes how philanthropy and corporations can be viewed skeptically and are often misunderstood by social work and explains how for-profit organizations can help solve social issues and create an impact through collaborative partnerships https://www.insocialwork.org/episode-277-lakshmi-iyer-exploring-opportunities-for-social-impact-and-social-innovation-through-public-private-partnerships/ ENG
What is social infrastructure and how do PPP works? Podcast PPP This podcast explains what a social infrastructure project is and how PPP works and why a municipality adopts PPP for its projects. https://investments.metlife.com/insights/podcast/what-is-social-infrastructure-and-how-do-public-private-partnerships-work/ ENG
Risk governance in PPPs Paper PPP This article provides an overview of current risk management and good governance barriers in PPPs, in an effort to strengthen the relationship between best practice and risk management, thereby increasing the performance of long-term PPP contracts. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/359821402_RISK_GOVERNANCE_IN_PUBLIC_PRIVATE_PARTNERSHIPS ENG
Putting the NP in PPP Paper PPP Nonprofits of this kind provide a “third space” in which PPPs can be formed, implemented, and sustained; they may also serve as value guardians of the PPP process. This article describes the essential but little credited role of nonprofit organizations in PPPs in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. Putting the NP in PPP: The Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Public-Private Partnerships: Public Performance & Management Review: Vol 35, No 4 (tandfonline.com) ENG
PPP and network governance Paper PPP This article examines public-private partnership in light of the New Public Management and New Public Governance, showing the effect of the overlap and mix of elements generated by these paradigms. Public-Private Partnerships and Network Governance: What Are the Challenges?: Public Performance & Management Review: Vol 36, No 2 (tandfonline.com) ENG
Marketing and SE: implications for social marketing Paper Marketing/ Communication This study exposes the challenges social enterprises face in developing strategic marketing activities that address business needs, while balancing stakeholder interests linked to the social missions of such organizations. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JSOCM-09-2014-0068/full/html ENG
Marketing social missions - adopting social marketing for social entrepreneurship? Paper Marketing/ Communication The purpose of this paper is to develop a deeper conceptual understanding of how social marketing may be of use to social entrepreneurial organizations. The research reports on a case analysis of One Drop and its Aqua expo and the utilization of social marketing in pursuit of its goal to achieve water conservation in the Northern Hemisphere. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/nvsm.1434 ENG
Social enterprises, marketing and sustainable public service provision Paper Marketing/ Communication The article commences by exploring the current knowledge about the role of SEs as public service providers in the UK and about marketing as an explicit activity within them. It also examines the dimensions and challenges of sustainability in this context. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0020852317751244 ENG
Recover & Rebuild – Impact measurement Webinar Value Impact Assessment Sue Osborne shares how to use evaluation tools and methodologies to support effective decision making and planning, provide insights for marketing and data to funders. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOjPYPZTaTo ENG
The impact podcast Podcast Value Impact Assessment Host Neetal Parekh explores social innovation through interviews with social entrepreneurs, impact investors, filmmakers, attorneys and professors. Discussions range from business to tech, from law to the media, all centered around the common theme of social impact. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-impact-podcast-by-innov8social-social-impact/id1052370582?mt=2 ENG
The SIMPLE methodology Paper Value Impact Assessment/ Business Plan The paper presents a holistic impact measurement model for SEs, called social impact for local economies (SIMPLEs). The impact model offers a five‐step approach to impact measurement. These steps help SE managers to conceptualise the impact problem; identify and prioritise impacts for measurement; develop appropriate impact measures; report impacts and embed the results in management decision making. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/17508610910981734/full/html ENG
Developing a social enterprise idea Website Business Plan In this web site you’ll find all the steps to start and improve a social enterprise. https://www.the-sse.org/resources/idea/developing-an-idea/ ENG
The social enterprise podcast Podcast Business Plan In this podcast, Rupert Scofield explores the challenges of starting, building and running a social enterprise. Guests include other social entrepreneurs and impact investors who share their insights and experience. https://socentpodcast.org/ ENG
Social Enterprise, Accountability and Social Accounting Paper Social Accountability Current social accounting measures are not adequate and need to support a more ethical approach towards social and ecological matters within business. Social accounting research shows that the current measures for accounting for sustainability build on the basis of the profit-maximising principle and therefore need to be profoundly rethought. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0969160X.2017.1287583 ENG
Corporate social responsibility and accountability: a new theoretical foundation for regulating CSR Paper CSR/ Accountability This paper theorises the conceptual underpinnings of responsibility and its relationship with accountability to develop a formal model to underscore the nexus between CSR and corporate accountability while providing a novel theoretical foundation for regulating CSR. https://jcsr.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40991-019-0045-8 ENG
Guide (Odhgos) KALO Guidebook Governance, value impact assessment This guidebook addresses SSE and the role of local authorities using historical overview and examples from around the world, and touches also on social innovation and assessment of social impact. It is in Greek https://www.eetaa.gr/eetaa/odhgoi/25012021_odhgos_kalo.pdf GR
THE RURAL SOCIAL ENTERPRISE GUIDEBOOK OF GOOD PRACTICE (ViseNET ERASMUS project) Guidebook Governance, marketing and finance, social impact, social entrepreneurship, finance and business planning plus community involvement and networking This guidebook offers materials to help solve these problems, covering everything from how to identify your communities needs to how to practically set up and manage a social enterprise in a rural context.. Includes also several case studies as success stories. Rural Social Enterprise Hub (ruralsehub.net)] ENG
Social start-up toolkit Toolkit Your personal values, passions, hobbies; turning an idea into a SEnterprise; SEnterprise blueprint; marketing; finance (99+) Social Startup Toolkit | Philip Ely - Academia.edu ENG
The governance of hybrid organisations. Paper Governance This paper discusses the challenges of SE to manage their social goals and commercial pressures and suggests how best to adapt governance to deal with this. (16) (PDF) The governance of hybrid organisations (researchgate.net) ENG
Social Enterprise - The Shaping of a New Concept in a Comparative Regional Perspective Paper Social Entrepreneurship The objective of this paper is to deepen the debate between the US and Europe on the the three terminological flags of social enterprise, social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneur in their respective contexts as well as the distinct developments they now tend to experience. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266529379_Chapter_12_Social_Enterprise_The_Shaping_of_a_New_Concept_in_a_Comparative_Regional_Perspective ENG
Cracking the organizational challenge of pursuing joint social and financial goals - Social enterprise as a laboratory to understand hybrid organizing Paper Management and Strategy,

value impact assessment

This paper seeks to answer the question if social enterprises can really sustain the joint pursuit of social and financial goals over time and how, so to provide a better understanding of the challenges that social enterprises face and how they can overcome them. In addition, this research is important for organizations pursuing social and financial goals more broadly — particularly as consumers, not-for-profit organizations and governments are increasingly asking companies to deliver social value in addition to profit. https://www.cairn.info/revue-management-2018-4-page-1278.htm ENG
Effective Management of Social Enterprises Book Social Entrepreneurship

Management and Strategy

Lessons from Businesses and Civil Society Organizations. Research on 40 enterprises, half of them businesses and half nonprofits, all considered by their peers to be high performers in the social enterprise arena. https://publications.iadb.org/en/effective-management-social-enterprises-lessons-businesses-and-civil-society-organizations ENG
A study on issues related to establishment and management of social enterprise Paper Management and Strategy The article aims at identifying and addressing some important areas a social enterprise faces, like establishment, credibility, sustainability, management and developing management framework https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338253293_A_Study_on_Issues_Related_to_Establishment_and_Management_of_Social_Enterprise ENG
Social entrepreneurship self-assessment Online platform/tool Social entrepreneurship The tool allows to assess whether current policies and programmes enable and support social enterprises to start-up and scale-up. The assessment includes seven modules with thought-provoking question statements, covering different action areas within the social entrepreneurship ecosystem. https://betterentrepreneurship.eu/en/node/add/social-quiz ENG
OECD (2021), Social impact measurement for the Social and Solidarity Economy Paper Value impact assessment After discussing the origins and drivers of social impact measurement, this paper examines existing methodologies developed at the local, national and international level and finally reviews how these are being implemented in the social and solidarity economy. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/industry-and-services/social-impact-measurement-for-the-social-and-solidarity-economy_d20a57ac-en ENG
Social and Solidarity Economy Video Social and Solidarity Economy Video delineating the seven principles’ guiding SSE initiatives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HjOT130E-w ENG
The Rise of Social Enterprises and the Social Entrepreneurs Video Social Entrepreneurship This video explains about The Rise of Social Enterprises and the Social Entrepreneurs to help you understand the meaning and impacts of Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneur in the society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re0h-vHyyiw&ab_channel=TalentandSkillsHuB ENG
Solidarity Economy in Barcelona Documentary Solidarity Economy Catalonia has been historically a fertile land of the co-operative movement and now is one of world's leading regions in terms of solidarity economy which is in close touch with different social movements.  This documentary highlights a number of such initiatives in Barcelona, such as healthcare, housing, incubator, bar, finance and culture, as well as XES (Catalan Solidarity Economy Network) which links such experiences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjTccAF7qZw ENG
Ajuntament de Barcelona, (2017), The Impetus Plan for Social and Solidarity Economy, 2016-2019 Presentation Public policy in Barcelona https://base.socioeco.org/docs/impetusplan-sse-eng_web.pdf ENG
Poirier, Y. (2016). Legal and political recognition of social solidarity economy (SEE). An overview on SSE public policies and guidelines, RIPESS, pp. 1-12 Report public policy http://base.socioeco.org/docs/legal-and-political-recognition-sse-poirier-january-2016-en.pdf ENG
U.N.R.I.S.D., (2016). «Promoting Social Solidarity Economy through Public Policy» in UNRISD Flagship Report 2016 Report public policy https://cdn.unrisd.org/assets/legacy-files/301-info-files/7E583F050CE1D2A4C125804F0033363E/Flagship2016_Ch4.pdf ENG
Dinerstein, A. C. (2017). Co-construction or prefiguration? The problem of the ‘translation’ of social and solidarity economy practices into policy (σελ. 57-71). In: North, P. Scott Cato, M. (Εds.). Towards Just and Sustainable Economies. . Bristol, U. K.: Policy Press, University of Bristol Paper public policy https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/148786/1/86253593X.pdf ENG